Bioenergetic Scanning
How does bioenergetic scanning work? To best answer this question, it’s helpful first to take a quick look at conventional medicine diagnostics and how they relate to the human body. Everything that exists is energetic. Everything has energy. Both the scientific fields and medical fields acknowledge that humans are electromagnetic beings. This can be seen in the proven use of several types of diagnostic machines to provide accurate medical diagnoses. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) works with the magnetic energy of the human body, ultrasound uses high-frequency sound energy to produce images, EEG (electroencephalogram) gives an electronic picture of the brain, and EKG (electrocardiogram) is used to show what is going on in the heart.
Bioenergetic scanning takes advantage of the information provided by your body’s own energetic field. A micro amp of current that is sent through the body’s meridian pathways is captured through data access points on the hand (if testing is conducted in person). Meridians, or energetic pathways, create a network that allows us to access the functional status of your body. (The existence of these data access points and energetic pathways has been validated using radioactive isotope imaging.)
The amount of current that passes through the cellular structure of the organ, gland, or system reveals the functional status of the tissues. Because the assessment is based on defined health parameters, any deviation from this standard can be readily detected. This allows us to see a true picture of how your body is actually functioning on an energetic level.
In working with the energetic field
In working with the energetic field, we can detect many things the body is facing and attempting to resolve. This is ideal for pets, infants, or children who cannot articulate what they are experiencing. Detecting and correcting these imbalances can be life-changing! This exciting technology is backed by 40 years of research.
Here is a sampling of some of the functional assessments functional tests available through bioenergetics scanning:
- Allergen Sensitivities
- Chemical Toxicity
- Circulatory Disturbances
- GI IssuesDigestive Maladies
- Female Issues
- Immune Disorders
- Inherited Predispositions
- Joint Ailments
- Male Issues
- Metabolic Disturbances
- Neurotransmitter Imbalances
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Pathogenic Factors
- Phenolic Sensitivities
- Respiratory Issues
- Skin Afflictions
- Sleep Disturbances
- Urinary Disorders
- … and More
Bioenergetic Scanning
How does bioenergetic scanning work? To best answer this question, it’s helpful first to take a quick look at conventional medicine diagnostics and how they relate to the human body. Everything that exists is energetic. Everything has energy. Both the scientific fields and medical fields acknowledge that humans are electromagnetic beings. This can be seen in the proven use of several types of diagnostic machines to provide accurate medical diagnoses. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) works with the magnetic energy of the human body, ultrasound uses high-frequency sound energy to produce images, EEG (electroencephalogram) gives an electronic picture of the brain, and EKG (electrocardiogram) is used to show what is going on in the heart.
Bioenergetic scanning takes advantage of the information provided by your body’s own energetic field. A micro amp of current that is sent through the body’s meridian pathways is captured through data access points on the hand (if testing is conducted in person). Meridians, or energetic pathways, create a network that allows us to access the functional status of your body. (The existence of these data access points and energetic pathways has been validated using radioactive isotope imaging.)
The amount of current that passes through the cellular structure of the organ, gland, or system reveals the functional status of the tissues. Because the assessment is based on defined health parameters, any deviation from this standard can be readily detected. This allows us to see a true picture of how your body is actually functioning on an energetic level.
In working with the energetic field
In working with the energetic field, we can detect many things the body is facing and attempting to resolve. This is ideal for pets, infants, or children who cannot articulate what they are experiencing. Detecting and correcting these imbalances can be life-changing! This exciting technology is backed by 40 years of research.
Here is a sampling of some of the functional assessments functional tests available through bioenergetics scanning:
- Allergen Sensitivities
- Chemical Toxicity
- Circulatory Disturbances
- GI IssuesDigestive Maladies
- Female Issues
- Immune Disorders
- Inherited Predispositions
- Joint Ailments
- Male Issues
- Metabolic Disturbances
- Neurotransmitter Imbalances
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Pathogenic Factors
- Phenolic Sensitivities
- Respiratory Issues
- Skin Afflictions
- Sleep Disturbances
- Urinary Disorders
- … and More
House Clearing
Though anytime is a great time to have your home cleared, there are times in life when it is especially important to consider having your home, office, or vehicle cleared of negative energy. As you may know, everything has energy. We have energy. We are energetic beings. That being said, your home collects energy from its inhabitants, and sometimes that energy can be negative and needs to be cleared.
Here are some times when you may consider having your house cleared:
- When you first move into a home
- When you build a home
- When you open a new business
- After Illness
- If you feel uncomfortable in a space
- During life’s transitions (marriage, divorce, death)
- To help sell or rent a home/real estate
- When you desire to open the door to new possibilities
Pro Tip
A great first step that you can do on your own is to give your house a good cleaning. And not just cleaning cobwebs and dust. Make the time to touch every object possible in your home and determine if it’s needed and whether or not it brings you joy. If it fails the test, make appropriate arrangements to donate it or throw it away. A cluttered home and a home filled with objects that are unnecessary or have negative associations attached to them typically bring about a sense of disharmony and negative energy. Conducting a house-clearing session will create a more relaxed and comfortable space. Immediately following a house clearing, many clients report improvements in relationships, health issues, and finances.
During a house-clearing session
During a house-clearing session, we check for a whole host of possible negative energy sources, including leftover energy from previous owners or visitors, energy left from arguments or illness, and more. We will then work to balance the energies of the home and the people living there. The beauty of all this is that we have the ability to accomplish this all remotely, so we can help you wherever you are located.
House Clearing
Though anytime is a great time to have your home cleared, there are times in life when it is especially important to consider having your home, office, or vehicle cleared of negative energy. As you may know, everything has energy. We have energy. We are energetic beings. That being said, your home collects energy from its inhabitants, and sometimes that energy can be negative and needs to be cleared.
Here are some times when you may consider having your house cleared:
- When you first move into a home
- When you build a home
- When you open a new business
- After Illness
- If you feel uncomfortable in a space
- During life’s transitions (marriage, divorce, death)
- To help sell or rent a home/real estate
- When you desire to open the door to new possibilities
Pro Tip
A great first step that you can do on your own is to give your house a good cleaning. And not just cleaning cobwebs and dust. Make the time to touch every object possible in your home and determine if it’s needed and whether or not it brings you joy. If it fails the test, make appropriate arrangements to donate it or throw it away. A cluttered home and a home filled with objects that are unnecessary or have negative associations attached to them typically bring about a sense of disharmony and negative energy. Conducting a house-clearing session will create a more relaxed and comfortable space. Immediately following a house clearing, many clients report improvements in relationships, health issues, and finances.
During a house-clearing session
During a house-clearing session, we check for a whole host of possible negative energy sources, including leftover energy from previous owners or visitors, energy left from arguments or illness, and more. We will then work to balance the energies of the home and the people living there. The beauty of all this is that we have the ability to accomplish this all remotely, so we can help you wherever you are located.
Emotional Clearing
Did you know that negative energy can get trapped in your home and cause problems? The negative energy of detrimental emotions and beliefs can get trapped in your body and cause symptoms there, too. A traumatic experience or loss or any other life experience that produces a less-than-desirable emotional response can leave its fingerprint on you through energy imbalance. This is a compromised state that can cause difficulty in health, finances, and relationships. But your brain, where emotions begin, is like a powerful computer. And we can take that useless, outdated computer program out and replace it with a new, sleek upgrade.
The ups and downs that we experience as part of life are normal.
The ups and downs that we experience as part of life are normal. We all have them. Moments of joy. Moments of happiness. And times of sadness. But, sometimes, when the experience is over, the emotions remain trapped in the body, causing an energy imbalance. The beauty of emotional clearing is that we can coax the body to release these emotions to regain homeostasis or balance gently. Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal and will do so whenever given the opportunity. This is no different. If you imagine a thorn stuck in your finger, that hole created by the thorn cannot heal as long as the thorn is still protruding from your finger. We want to get that thorn out so the hole can heal. That’s what emotional clearing can do.
Emotional clearing is different than other types of therapy used to deal with emotional issues.
Emotional clearing is different than other types of therapy used to deal with emotional issues. For example, it is not talk therapy. You will not have to dig into your past and discuss uncomfortable experiences. You may be asked to give a brief description of a stressful situation or of physical pain you wish to address. Some minor details will be gathered, and then we can begin.
Emotional clearing, along with the other energy work offered here, is not based on religion or spirituality. It is its own category, along with acupuncture, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, Reiki, EFT, Emotion Code, and Body Code. It is safe, gentle, and natural. It works with your own body’s energy pathways. It won’t interfere with other forms of treatment, and it can be done remotely.
You may or may not notice changes after your first sessions, but you can be sure your body has begun the work. Healing often happens in layers, and sometimes it can take multiple sessions to find full relief. We will do our part, and we will give you your part to do between sessions. Together, we can resolve your struggles. Emotional housekeeping is really an extension of self-care. It’s something you should do for yourself so you can live a more fulfilling life in all the roles you fill each day.
It’s important to note that you can continue whatever care you may already be receiving, whether it be conventional doctoring with medication or physical therapy, or massage therapy (or something altogether different). Emotional clearing will not interfere with any of these. It is a nice complement to them all.
Emotional Clearing
Did you know that negative energy can get trapped in your home and cause problems? The negative energy of detrimental emotions and beliefs can get trapped in your body and cause symptoms there, too. A traumatic experience or loss or any other life experience that produces a less-than-desirable emotional response can leave its fingerprint on you through energy imbalance. This is a compromised state that can cause difficulty in health, finances, and relationships. But your brain, where emotions begin, is like a powerful computer. And we can take that useless, outdated computer program out and replace it with a new, sleek upgrade.
The ups and downs that we experience as part of life are normal.
The ups and downs that we experience as part of life are normal. We all have them. Moments of joy. Moments of happiness. And times of sadness. But, sometimes, when the experience is over, the emotions remain trapped in the body, causing an energy imbalance. The beauty of emotional clearing is that we can coax the body to release these emotions to regain homeostasis or balance gently. Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal and will do so whenever given the opportunity. This is no different. If you imagine a thorn stuck in your finger, that hole created by the thorn cannot heal as long as the thorn is still protruding from your finger. We want to get that thorn out so the hole can heal. That’s what emotional clearing can do.
Emotional clearing is different than other types of therapy used to deal with emotional issues.
Emotional clearing is different than other types of therapy used to deal with emotional issues. For example, it is not talk therapy. You will not have to dig into your past and discuss uncomfortable experiences. You may be asked to give a brief description of a stressful situation or of physical pain you wish to address. Some minor details will be gathered, and then we can begin.
Emotional clearing, along with the other energy work offered here, is not based on religion or spirituality. It is its own category, along with acupuncture, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, Reiki, EFT, Emotion Code, and Body Code. It is safe, gentle, and natural. It works with your own body’s energy pathways. It won’t interfere with other forms of treatment, and it can be done remotely.
You may or may not notice changes after your first sessions, but you can be sure your body has begun the work. Healing often happens in layers, and sometimes it can take multiple sessions to find full relief. We will do our part, and we will give you your part to do between sessions. Together, we can resolve your struggles. Emotional housekeeping is really an extension of self-care. It’s something you should do for yourself so you can live a more fulfilling life in all the roles you fill each day.
It’s important to note that you can continue whatever care you may already be receiving, whether it be conventional doctoring with medication or physical therapy, or massage therapy (or something altogether different). Emotional clearing will not interfere with any of these. It is a nice complement to them all.
Why Choose Functional Medicine Options?
Quite simply, by utilizing functional medicine such as bioenergetic scanning, we can get a thorough look into what is not functioning at its best potential within the body, and we can address it directly. We get to the root cause so your body can do what it’s designed to do – restore your health.
Though the process can take time and will require some effort on your part, the reward is true and lasting health without dependence upon medications or supplements to keep symptoms at bay.